rand Canyon
public safety
efforts have changed
dramatically since 2012,
when Kenny Laird, a
22-year Phoenix Police
Department veteran,
came to work for his alma
mater. But in May, the
Arizona Legislature set
the stage for one of the
biggest changes, allowing
GCU to elevate the Public
Safety Department to
an independent Police
Department with the
ability to appoint certified
peace officers. Laird, who
was named chief of the
new department, shared
his thoughts about
public safety.
What are the
advantages of
GCU forming its own,
independent police
After much
deliberation and several
meetings over three years,
President Brian Mueller
and the Public Safety
Committee decided the
best course for serving
students in a growing
University was to form a
Police Department. It is
a full-service agency for
the students, faculty and
staff here at GCU. We still
are close partners with
the City of Phoenix and
maintain our own GCU
Police Department to
cut response times and
increase service and safety
on campus.
What are some of
your goals as GCU’s
police chief?
My first
goal is to completely staff
the department. After
that I will be engaging
in programs such as
meetings we used to
call “Coffee with a Cop,”
which is when students
can meet with their police
department at places such
as our Grand Canyon
Beverage Company. We
already enjoy a low crime
per capita here at GCU,
and we would like to
continue to be innovative
and keep crime at a
minimum. We are always
looking at new ways to
integrate technology and
new programs into our
department, and we have
some ideas in terms of
mobile apps. I hope to
continue the current course
in keeping the campus one
of the safest in America.
What newor
continued initiatives
are youworking on?
We are continuing
our $1 million, five-
year partnership with
Phoenix police and the
neighborhood. I worked
in this neighborhood
for several years, and
I personally know
most of the leaders
in the neighborhood
associations. Our focus as
a department is campus
oriented, and the Phoenix
Police Department will
continue to focus on
neighborhood issues.
Howdoes the
atmosphere at GCU
contribute to overall
We have the best
students in the country,
and they all look out for
each other. We have a
low incidence of crime
and criminal acts. The
honesty and integrity of
our students and their care
for their community is
something I have not seen
anywhere else.
Have you always
wanted to be a police
I never really
thought about it until
about three years ago
when I retired. I prayed
about it. I asked God to
give me the direction He
wanted me to go and what
He wanted me to do for
His glory. Fortunately,
this is the product. My
wife and I both graduated
from GCU, so we were
very excited when the
announcement was made
and we look forward to
this opportunity.
— Laurie Merrill
5 Q U E S T I ON S W I T H
Kenny Laird
GCU Police Chief
Kenny Laird, GCU's first
police chief, is eager to start
new programs, such as
"Coffee with a Cop."