Praying here
“I feel comfortable here
being open about my faith. I
can pray openly, I can talk
about my faith in class. I am
surrounded by people who I
can share my faith with, and
for that I am grateful.”
Kirie Taillon,
freshman Digital Design major
Junior Rachael Proby began her freshman year walking to class with
books in her backpack and uncertainty in her heart.
The Los Angeles native finally had reached her goal — attending a
top-tier, out-of-state university. But she felt caught precariously between
missing home and not feeling at home.
Her salvation came on a Monday morning. A student she had just
met invited her to Chapel, one of two weekly services along with The
Gathering on Tuesday nights.
The next hour was pivotal, an “aha” moment that erased Proby’s
nagging doubts.
“I knew sitting in Chapel that I had made the right decision, that I was
in my new home, the place I would live for the next few years,” she said.
Although she was touched by the speaker’s talk, that alone didn’t
calm her freshman jitters. Instead, it was the nearly 6,000 students in
GCU Arena’s seats. They made her realize she was in the right place at
the right time.
“It was such a welcoming feeling, a touching experience like never
before,” Proby said.
Today, GCU fits her like a favorite pair of shoes. And, yes, at 11:15 a.m.
on Mondays she attends Chapel.
“It still makes me feel calm,” she said, “and it always makes me feel
like I am home.”
For many students, GCU’s Christian and academic missions are
equally important.
They want to build their faith while earning a degree. They want
to pray before a meal and listen to a professor weave religion into the
business curriculum. They want to spend Saturdays repairing homes
for families in the neighborhoods surrounding campus and mentoring
junior high school students.
Miracle Williams, a junior Sociology major, chose GCU for all those
reasons. “That is why I am here and why I am at Chapel on Mondays.
My faith is that important,” she said.
Christian Taillon, a sophomore Information Technology major, likes
being able to attend a university with others who share his deep faith.
“I like being able to talk about my faith and the scripture with so many
other students. GCU encourages this connection between students and
encourages their faith.”
Faith also is encouraged by Life Group leaders, who meet weekly with
small groups of students to pray, share the ups and downs of university
life and read the Bible.
Sam Anderson, a junior Film Production major, considers it an honor
to be in a spiritual leadership role.
“It allows me to get an insight into the Christian faith of others, the
beliefs that shape who they are,” he said.
Allison Rodzen, a sophomore Exercise Science major, became a Life
Group leader to encourage other students to embrace their faith.
“I came here for the Christianity,” she said. “And with Chapel and Life
Groups and all the other places I can express our faith, it feels like my
community and family. I know that I’ll never be judged for my faith.”