University Pep Rally and Parade Kick-Off Homecoming 2010

GCU officially launched Homecoming 2010 with the University Pep Rally and Parade, Friday, January 29. Alumni, students and staff met on the Antelope Lawn for a few words from GCU CEO Brian Mueller. The parade featured floats constructed by several GCU departments, including each college on campus.

Parade participants included the ROTC Color Guard, Bagpipe Group, Cheer and Dance Teams and GCU Basketball Teams.

There were also several floats with theme's representative of each group's mission.

Student Life featured a float with the theme "Duos through the Decades." It represented the decades of GCU, as well as advertised that evenings Homecoming dance.

College of Nursing displayed a theme of "GCU Nursing: Caring for the World." GCU nurses have come from and traveled all over the world. The faculty and students who participated represented scrubs and outfits from various countries.

The College of Health Sciences theme focused on "Mind, Body and Spirit through the Ages." The float captured the college's holistic approach to serving the needs of mankind.

The "'Lopes for Literacy" College of Education float helped promote the college's focus to promote education and literacy in the community.

The Ken Blanchard College of Business teamed with the GCU Business Club for a float that portrays a day in the life in the world of business.

With a float and a song, the College of Liberal Arts focused on the college's Christian mission to embody and honor the Holy Spirit and school spirit.



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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord — with the first of them and with the last — I am He. (Isaiah 41:4)

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