Try this lower body workout

By Kayla Hartson
Student Fitness Program Coordinator

Here is another high intensity workout to try this week. No equipment needed!

AMRAP stands for “As Many Reps As Possible.” This workout is a great way to challenge your intensity and measure your fitness progress over time.

Go through the list of exercise reps as many times as you can within five minutes. Rest for one minute, then repeat the same exact thing three times.

During each five-minute round, the goal is to take short breaks to catch your breath when necessary so that you can keep up the intensity.

AMRAPs are a great way to measure fitness progress because as you continue to train, you eventually will notice that you are able to complete more reps during each round. Challenge yourself to complete this same workout next week to compare your results.

Don’t forget to include a proper warmup and cooldown as part of your routine.

Warmup: Before you begin the AMRAP, take five minutes to get your heart rate elevated and muscles warm. This may include a light jog and dynamic stretches.

Cooldown: After you complete the workout, take five minutes to safely lower your heart rate. This may include a slow walk and static stretches. Read this article about stretching to help you understand the difference between dynamic and static stretches.

Follow the Student Fitness Centers Instagram page @gcu.sfc for more workout and wellness tips!


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Bible Verse

We know that we live in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. (1 John 4:13)

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