New CAS Building is Officially ‘Topped Out’

GCU celebrated the topping out of the new four-story College of Arts and Sciences building Tuesday morning under a beautiful sunny sky.

“It’s been fun to watch the progress,” said CAS Dean Mark Wooden. “When they first started on it, I was impressed by the footprint. Now, I am amazed by its shadow.”

The first floor will house the newly formed College of Christian Studies as well as Spiritual Life and a chapel, a combination that Wooden feels will give the building a strong foundation. The rest of the building will consist of 36 classrooms, 51 offices, two computer labs, three chemistry labs, and two state of the art DNA labs.

“It’s going to be an exciting place,” said Bob Machen, Senior Vice President for Campus Development. “We are on schedule to be finished in July and occupy in August.”

The topping out ceremony concluded with the first site tour for faculty and staff in attendance.

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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

I thank my God every time I remember you. (Philippians 1:3)

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