Students Prepare for Summer Missions

As summer approaches and students prepare to return home, get jobs or do whatever it is that college students do in the summer, several GCU students will put their personal ambitions on hold and commit themselves to a mission. The following students have signed up for mission opportunities in Kenya, the Dominican Republic and Germany. 

Beth Nowatzki
Junior - Nursing

Ever since I served in Kenya in June 2008, God has placed a huge desire in my heart to help His children in need, especially in a medical sense. Adequate medical care and disease education are far too limited to people in Third World countries.

I am a nursing student, so I feel it’s important to reach out to these people, provide the best care possible and equip them with the tools and resources to stay healthy. And while providing this much-needed care, people can be introduced to the ultimate healer, Jesus Christ. I am thrilled to be used by God and to be able to share His love with those in the Dominican Republic this summer. Our team will care for their physical and spiritual wounds.     

Karissa Kelsey
Junior – Athletic Training

My inspiration for this trip began while on a mission trip to Honduras last year. The way God touched my heart in that country changed my life. He gave me a passion for missions and for helping His people overseas.

I wanted to go back to the people of Honduras because they are amazing and I miss them so much, but I felt that wasn’t where God was calling me to go this time. I couldn’t get the thought of going to the Dominican Republic out of my head, and I did not know why.

When I went to the group meeting for the trip and a video about the trip was shown, I felt God melt my heart and I knew this was what He wanted me to do. I was filled with joy and excitement! In the Dominican Republic, I’m going to get the opportunity to share Christ’s love through therapeutic treatment and also by building relationships with the children through sports and mentoring. I am excited to go because I know God will do great things, as He did in Honduras. In Honduras, He not only transformed their lives but ours as well. He is a God of miracles, and I can’t wait to see what He has in store for this next mission trip!

Derek Garth
Graduate – MBA and MSL
“Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit” (Matthew 28:19). These are the words Jesus spoke to the disciples after He was resurrected two thousand years ago, but He also spoke them to us, His followers today. Jesus is telling us to help spread His love – the Gospel message of salvation – to people around the world.

While traveling to areas around the world is necessary and some are called to a lifetime of missionary work in other nations, it’s important to remember that mission work isn’t limited to foreign countries or exotic places. As Jesus says in Mark 12:30-31, each of us is called to: 1) Love and serve God first of all; and 2) Love and serve other people … wherever we are. Mission work involves both of these aspects – loving and serving God and people. So whether you are in Europe with a mission group from GCU or at home going through your daily routine, you are God’s light to a world that needs Him. Let your light shine no matter where you are!

For more information on GCU Mission opportunities, contact the Office of Spiritual Life at [email protected] or 602.639.6750.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

We know that we live in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. (1 John 4:13)

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