Student Worker of the Month – Kyle Speed

The Office of Career Services is proud to present its student worker of the month – Kyle Speed.

Speed is a junior sports management major. He works in the Student Contact Center and is a member of the GCU men’s basketball team. On the basketball court in 2011, Speed was the Antelopes leading scorer and was named to the All-Pacific West Conference team.

Off the court, he has managed to juggle the demands of marriage, two children, work and school. He has a two-year-old son, Kyle Jr., and just had a baby girl, Eva, three months ago. Eva was born the day before Speed was scheduled to fly to Seattle with the basketball team.

The team arranged for a later flight so Speed could enjoy his newborn for at least a few more hours.

“I don’t think everyone knows how much I appreciate the support,” he says. “I know I can count on the Grand Canyon family when I need them.”

Speed credits his wife, Bree, and her commitment and belief in him for making all of these opportunities possible.

“I wouldn’t be able to do anything without my wife,” says Speed. “She has sacrificed to let me be in this situation with school and basketball.”

Basketball season does not give Speed much time for anything else, let alone work at the Student Contact Center. Some weeks he worked as little as two hours one or two days a week. He’s grateful the center has been so willing to work with his tough schedule.

“That motivated me to work hard for them whenever I could,” he says. It’s big of Grand Canyon and the Student Contact Center to allow me to do that.”

Associate Director of the Student Contact Center Leanne Hillman and Qualifying Specialist Supervisor Meagan Decker are so pleased with his work, they are happy to have him for as many hours as possible.

“Kyle takes full ownership of his position,” says Hillman. “He never makes excuses and demonstrates an excellent work ethic.”

Decker believes his life experience gives him a unique perspective as he speaks with potential students.

“He shares his personal experiences, his life,” she says. “If he can juggle everything he does, it shows that if there is a will, there is a way.”

Hillman agrees that Speed has a unique quality. She says his focus is very different from other college students.

“I’m impressed with the dedication he shows in every aspect of his life,” she says. “On the court, in the classroom, at work and at home. He is deserving of the benefits of his dedication.”


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

He who heeds discipline shows the way to life, but whoever ignores correction leads others astray. (Proverbs 10:17)

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