By Zane Ewton
Communications Staff
GCU doctoral learners took a break from the intensity of residency for a taste of campus life on Wednesday. The Kachina Ballroom at the Squaw Peak Pointe Hilton in Phoenix became GCU Arena for an hour as learners were treated to a midweek Chapel.
Ryan Maguire, GCU’s online ministry coordinator and staff chaplain, provided the message and a smaller Chapel band — consisting only of Campus Music Minister Gabe Salazar and band members Jeannette Montenegro and Jason Richard — provided the music.
Maguire based his message on Jesus’ miracle at the wedding in Cana in John 2, specifically citing Mary’s faith in her son.
“When you are confronted with a problem, do you do what Mary did?” Maguire asked. “Do you take your problems to Him with the faith that He will do what is best for you?”
Maguire said that Jesus performs miracles so that we may know who He is. By knowing Him, we also can believe in Him and know that He lives.
“When we rely on Christ to pull us through our challenges,” Maguire said, “our belief in Him grows. He will transform our hearts.”
Dr. John Kilroy, GCU’s director of doctoral learning communities, asked for a dedicated Chapel time in his preparations for the first doctoral residencies in 2010. It was summer and the doctoral students stayed in the empty residence halls and ate in the Student Union. That group held Chapel on Wednesday after dinner in the Union.
“I thought having a Chapel in the middle of the week would provide a good mental break,” Kilroy said. “It’s a chance for students to keep praying, ‘Oh God, help me!’”
This is the first fall residency and includes 103 students, most of whom are teachers who have taken the time off from work with no pay. The residency is an intense week of sessions as students wrap up their studies and prepare their dissertations.
“This was proof to me that I am in the right place,” said educational leadership student Shaloma Gray. “This really touched me. No matter where we are, He’s here with us.”
While in town this week, students and their guests attended Tuesday night’s men’s basketball game, toured campus and had dinner in the Union.
Contact Zane Ewton at 639.7086 or