Slideshow: What’s Really Going Down on Campus

Out with the old and in with the new.

That will be a theme all summer on the main campus, with older buildings being torn down and new ones going up. You need a scorecard to keep track of it, so here’s ours.

On the way down: Bryan Hall (College of Liberal Arts, Building No. 6), Human Resources (No. 7), Event Services (No. 8), office building (No. 10), Prayer Chapel (No. 11), GCU Soccer Field concession stand.

On the way up: GCU Arena, Prescott Hall (third dormitory), Thunder Alley (food court and bowling alley adjacent to Rec Center), modular facilities for the colleges of Arts and Sciences and Fine Arts and Production, guard booth for east parking lot.

Leave it to our Liberal Arts faculty and staff — now part of the newly created College of Arts and Sciences — to scrawl some parting words of wisdom on the walls of Building 6. Here’s some of what we spotted on a walk-through last week:

  • “Really bad poetry wall” (no entries, of course)
  • “Go away! I cannot help you anymore!”
  • “Sniveling won’t help you!”
  • “Thank you, little building”
  • “’Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding’ — Proverbs 3:5”

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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

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