Slideshow: Construction Update on 27th Avenue Office Center

Story by Bob Romantic
Photos by Darryl Webb
GCU News Bureau

Renovation of the 27th Avenue Office Center is nearing completion, so we wanted to offer a sneak peek of the new complex for Grand Canyon University with the photo slideshow below.

The interior of the 130,000-square-foot building has been painted and new lighting installed, and carpet has been laid in an area that will become the new home for employees previously housed at Annex I.

Annex I employees will be the first to move into the new building – which formerly was a swapmart -- during the week of July 15. Nine departments will be relocating to the Office Center.

The office building will include a fitness center, exercise room, honor system convenience store, four break rooms (two with bar seating), men’s and women’s locker rooms/showers and an abundance of conference rooms. Complete details can be found in this story.

The Office Center initially will hold more than 500 employees, but 20,000 square feet of open space remains for future development.

Contact Bob Romantic at 639.7611 or [email protected].

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For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:5)

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