It is that time of year again when we begin thinking about New Year’s resolutions. What is it you want to accomplish in 2010? Setting goals creates a sense of purpose.
Top-level athletes, successful business people and achievers in all fields use goal-setting techniques. Clearly defined goals provide long-term vision and short-term motivation.
Goal setting can help you:
- Decide what is important to achieve in your life
- Separate what is important from what is irrelevant or a distraction
- Motivate yourself
- Build self-confidence, based on successful achievement of goals
Add power to your goals by following the SMART mnemonic. Goals should be:
S Specific
M Measureable
A Attainable
R Relevant
T Time-bound
When you achieve one of your goals, take time to enjoy the satisfaction that comes with the achievement. Appreciate your successes, and evaluate the progress made towards your other goals.
Your goals will change over time. Adjust them regularly to reflect growth in your knowledge and experience, and if certain goals no longer hold any attraction, let them go.
For more information, or to talk about your goals, visit Career Services. We are located in the Student Union or contact 877-610-5506 or
Happy New Year! Make this your best one yet!