Rehearsals Under Way for ‘All in the Timing’

By Tiffany Turkenkopf

The theatre department of the College of Fine Arts and Production is set to follow up the well-received Pirates of Penzance with David IvesAll in the Timing. The cast is hard at work at rehearsals, preparing for opening night on Oct. 22.

“The rehearsals are going rad-tastic,” says co-stage manager Hannah De Young. The other stage manager, Rebecca Fair, agreed.  Both are freshman Theatre Arts majors.

All in the Timing consists of six small, one-act, character-driven plays. Junior theatre major Rachel Maish says of her character, “It’s hard to make a real person fit into an unreal world.” The cast is mostly off book, meaning most all of their lines are memorized working toward what is sure to be a great show.

“I wish I could watch the show from the crowd,” says cast member Daron Beck.

Beck, a freshman theatre major who is attending GCU as one of “Sydney’s Kids,” says he can’t wait for the show. The cast is so excited about how the show will turn out that many of them say they wish they could see it from the audience’s perspective.

Director Joe Flowers says that one of the hardest things for him is letting the actors work. He is keen on utilizing the thoughts and opinions of the cast. Before giving direction, he asked the cast what they thought could be done and what they thought worked well.

All in the Timing opens Friday, Oct. 22, and will have a two-weekend run. Friday and Saturday shows are at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday shows at 2 p.m.

To reserve seats, call the Ethington Theatre box office at 602.639.8880. This is one comedy you won’t want to miss!

Tiffany Turkenkopf is a freshman double majoring in digital film production and theatre. Contact Tiffany at [email protected].


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Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. (Psalm 29:2)

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