Professors present research at ASA conference

GCU News Bureau

For the third consecutive year, Grand Canyon University College of Science, Engineering and Technology professors attended the annual American Scientific Affiliation (ASA) conference July 19-22, 2019 at Wheaton (Ill.) College.

Dr. Ramesh Velupillaimani speaks about his work at the American Scientific Affiliation conference.

Dr. Ramesh Velupillaimani presented a poster on “God’s Solar Power Harvesting Cells: Excitation Energy Transfer in PSI-LHCI Supercomplexes,” and his former students, Zachary Merhavy and Cheney Huls, presented their undergraduate research work on the “Antibacterial Activity of Selected Plants from Southwest USA.”

Dr. Karen Denzler presented her research into an edible plant extract.

Dr. Karen Denzler presented a poster titled “Extract from the Edible Plant, Melissa officinalis, Inhibits HSV-1 Binding to Cells via Glycoprotein B: A Segway for Use toward Inhibition of Poxviruses and Filoviruses.”

Dr. Daisy Velupillaimani and Dr. Su Fong also spoke at the conference.

The paper by Dr. Daisy Velupillaimani and Dr. Su Fong, Grand Canyon Education Curriculum Designer, was accepted for oral presentation in the session for “Teaching Faith and Science: Higher Education course-based projects.”

Daisy was also invited to speak in the early career track on “What I Wish I’d Known: Best Practices for Thriving as an Early Career Science and Technology Professional” that concluded with a speed-mentoring session for students.

Participating and presenting at ASA every year is a great opportunity for first-hand experience of civil discourse in which diverse aspects of Christian faith and science can flourish and even conflicting ideas can be communicated with charity and respect.

The ASA was founded in 1941 as an international network of Christians in the sciences. 


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I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us. (Romans 8:18)

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