Lopes Teach Up Week provides a pick-me-up

GCU News Bureau

The College of Education’s Lopes Teach Up Week accomplished much during last week’s series of speakers and virtual events focused on advocating for teaching and education professions. But one student’s response summed it all up.

Katy Long

Destiny Hernandez told Assistant Professor Katy Long that before attending the Dean’s Speaker Panel she felt her passion drained for education because of stress and felt “stuck, scared and lost. I never told anyone, but I did pray that God would remind me of why He chose this path for me.”

After she heard a panel of teachers and administrators last Tuesday, Hernandez was reinvigorated, especially about advocating for equity in education as a former student in Title I schools.

“They kind of reminded me why I was going into education,” she told Long. “One thing that stood out to me was when they talked about celebrating our educators, which I think is so important because we can be so hard on ourselves, and having someone else tell us we are doing a good job can mean a lot, especially during stressful times like COVID.”


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:5)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/