GoinGlobal: Career Services launches tool to help alumni, students reach international job market

By GCU Career Services

It's been a busy month as Grand Canyon University welcomes more than 11,000 students on campus for the 2014-2015 academic year. In order to meet the needs of the growing population of GCU graduates, Career Services has expanded its online tools.

The latest resource, called GoinGlobal, is available now to GCU alumni and students. GoinGlobal gives them access to more than 16 million internship and job opportunities throughout the United States and across the globe. Alumni and students can read about employment trends, salary ranges, resume guidelines, interview tips and work-permit information in more than 34 countries. Additionally, they are given valuable advice about the culture of each country listed and common etiquette practices. Contact information is provided for area recruiters, staffing agencies and networking groups, both professional and social.

Jacqueline Smith, director of career services at GCU, is looking forward to having the new tool in use. “I am so excited for what GoinGlobal offers alumni and students," Smith said. "It operates like a virtual career center and is like having a Realtor, employment recruiter, chamber of commerce and department of tourism all in one place!”

Stop by the GCU Career Services office in Camelback Hall or call 602-639-6606 to connect. Click here to find out more about GoinGlobal and visit www.gcu.edu/careerservices to use these online tools to identify your career path, build your resumé, research career options or apply to current job postings in the U.S. and abroad.


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Bible Verse

Who has done this and carried it through, calling forth the generations from the beginning? I, the Lord — with the first of them and with the last — I am He. (Isaiah 41:4)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/