GC+You: Do Big Things!

GC+You is a weekly blog contributed by GCU Campus Pastor Tim Griffin and Student Development Director John-Paul Reiger.

A few weeks ago I took time to watch the State of the Union address given by President Barack Obama.  Now, to know me is to know that I am not a “political” person.  However, I make sure I exercise my right to vote, I care about the direction our country is going, and I care about the direction our country is being led.  Not only by the President but, also by all of those that represent our nation. 

As I listened to the President there was one moment that affected me.  President Obama said, “We do big things!” 

Am I a part of something “big?”  Am I working towards something such as this?  Are WE working towards something such as this?  Of course I believe that we are. 

How exciting it is to be a part of something that is moving forward, changing lives and serving others.  Every couple of weeks I have the privilege of sharing my thoughts with you and you will have the opportunity to share your thoughts as well.  We would love to hear your opinions and thoughts on anything that is shared.

As you go about the rest of your day, week and month…I encourage you to, “DO BIG THINGS!”  You will be a part of something that changes lives for the better.  I look forward to sharing life with GCU. 

John-Paul Reiger is the Student Development Director in the Office of Campus Life at Grand Canyon University. Contact John-Paul at [email protected].


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/