GCU publishes new volume of Journal of Instructional Research

Grand Canyon University's Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching (CIRT) has published Volume 11 of the annual Journal of Instructional Research, which shares best practices in post-secondary education.

Click here to read it. The contributors:

"An Examination of Servant Leader Faculty Chairs Empowering Faculty During a Crisis"

  • Megan Neel, Grand Canyon University
  • Remilyn Mueller, Grand Canyon University
  • Dr. Helen Hammond, Grand Canyon University

"Effect of Video Announcements on Instructor Presence and Student Engagement in the Graduate Online Classroom"

  • Jessica R. Hilton, Logan University

"Classroom Assignments for Fostering Resilience – An Instructional Design Model on Affective Personality Development"

  • Hermann Astleitner, Paris Lodron University Salzburg

"Using a Pre-entry Program to Increase Community College Student Athletes’ Self-Efficacy"

  • Jacqueline A. Stahlke, Victor Valley College
  • Dr. Jeff Cranmore, Grand Canyon University

"Unplugging Students: Utilizing Guided Technology Policies to Enhance Classroom Engagement"

  • Dr. Darien A. Hall, Grand Canyon University
  • Dr. Mark Wireman, Grand Canyon University

"Gratitude and Self-Perceived Stress in an Online Doctoral Program"

  • Dr. Mendi Davis, Grand Canyon University
  • Dr. Kimberly McCann, Grand Canyon University

"Implementing Emotional and Social Intelligence Competencies in an Educational Business Service"

  • Dr. Renee Winter, Grand Canyon University
  • Dr. Kimberly McCann, Grand Canyon University

"Mindfulness in the Online Classroom: A Tool for Success"

  • Dr. Paulla Mizer, Grand Canyon University

"Removing Barriers for University Students with Disabilities"

  • Dr. Gwen Schilling-Dickey, Grand Canyon University

"Educators and their Role in Contributing to the Self-esteem of Adolescent Middle School Girls A Qualitative Study"

  • Garnita L Pleas, Grand Canyon University

"The Effect of Layered Inquiry-Based Learning Model on Students' Skills, Values and Attitudes"

  • Abdurrahman Kılıç, Duzce University Department of Educational Sciences, Duzce, Turkey
  • Şeyma Şahin, Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education, Duzce, Turkey

"Online Professional Development Opportunities: Virtual Conferencing During a Pandemic"

  • Rebecca Smith, University of Portland
  • Nicole C. Ralston, University of Portland
  • Hillary Merk, University of Portland
  • Jacqueline Waggoner, University of Portland


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11)

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