GCU Library Announces Redesigned Website

The library has redesigned its website.  The new site includes all of the links from the original site organized into columns on the front page.  New features to the site include a link to chat with a librarian and a Twitter feed right on the home page.

Existing links have been reorganized into columns, for easier location and use:

In the Research column, you will see a link to “Find Books & More,” which leads to the library’s catalog that stores all of its books, electronic books and multimedia.  Also available are links to “Find Journal Articles,” an alphabetical listing of all of the library’s databases, and to “Subject Guides,” which are databases and resources organized by subject.

In the Library Services column, you will find a link to an “InterLibrary Loan (ILL)” form, a service that allows the library to request from other libraries resources to which we do not have access.  You will see a “Comments and Suggestions” link, where you can make comments or suggestions.  The “Library News and Events” link leads to the GCU Blogs page, where all library news, updates and announcements will be made.  The “Policies” link provides an overview of the library’s Policies and Procedures, including circulation, interlibrary loan and reference.

The Help column includes an “Ask A Librarian” link for contacting the library with research or general questions.  “Citation Guidelines” provides links to various citation resources on the Web that can be used to supplement your citation manuals.  “Tutorials” and “FAQ” provide access to video tutorials and answers to questions on how to use and access the library, ranging from general overviews to database-specific advanced searching.

The new website launches on June 3, and a sneak preview is available at http://my.gcu.edu/Academics/Library/Pages/LibraryDefault.aspx

The library is eager to receive any comments or suggestions about the new site through our survey at http://survey.gcu.edu/Library%20Awareness/library%20website.htm or through [email protected] and 800.800.9776, ext. 6396641.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/