Fitness Facts: Tips for working from home

By Cyndi Braun
Family Nurse Practitioner, Canyon Health and Wellness Clinic

While working from home might sound nice, it can pose a lot of challenges if you are not accustomed to it.

When your work environment suddenly switches from an office space to your home space, it can be tricky to get your day started or, for some, to stop working when the workday ends. It can be difficult to transition from personal time to professional time with children, pets, chores or the television creating distractions.

Here are a few tips that may help restrict work to your work time and personal activities to your personal time:

  • Create a space in your home for work only. Whether a corner of a room or an actual office space, make it a space only for work.
  • Create a schedule for yourself that includes a start time, breaks, lunches and an end-of-day time. Set a timer for reminders. When your work is done, close down the home office for the evening.
  • Get dressed and ready just as you would if you were heading into your work place. Do your hair, makeup and put on clean clothes. Staying in pajamas and not getting ready for the day makes it even more challenging to begin a productive day.
  • Set goals for your workday. They might be outlined for you by your employer, but if not, make a list of what you would like or need to accomplish on any given day.
  • Keep distractions such as personal email, Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat or other “fun” sites off of your work computer and keep devices silenced while working. Keep snacks and drinks close to you to maintain concentration and work flow.
  • Keep stress levels as low as possible. Getting up frequently to stretch, keeping blinds open for natural light, sleeping well, eating fresh and healthy foods, and drinking plenty of water all can help keep unnecessary stress at bay.
  • Exercise often before or after your workday, take walks outside during lunch and take your dog for walks.
  • Keep in touch with friends, family and colleagues via FaceTime or Zoom. Maintaining community is important during these times of social distancing.
  • Remember to control what you can each day and focus on one day at time.
  • If you find yourself becoming anxious, worried or depressed, take a break, call a friend or anyone you can talk to, deep breathe, do yoga or take a walk. Whatever you like to do to decompress and refocus will be helpful.

These are only a few tips to help you transition from the workplace to the home workplace. If there are other daily rituals or habits you have to help you get through the workday, continue those things as normal. Stay home, stay safe and healthy!



Anxiety and Depression Association of America (2018). "Coping Strategies." Retrieved from

"8 Tips for Working from Home with Mental Illness" (2018). Retrieved from


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Bible Verse

I thank my God every time I remember you. (Philippians 1:3)

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