"Finding My Shoes" Outreach Helps Phoenix Homeless

The “Finding My Shoes” event, presented by GCU Ambassador of Inspiration & Achievement Brenda Combs, was a success, outfitting local homeless with jackets, blankets, shoes, hygiene kits, gloves, hats and sleeping bags.

Brenda collected more than 1,500 blankets, 600 jackets, 500 pairs of shoes, 500 hygiene kits and 50 sleeping bags. The event also served breakfast to more than 675 people.

“It was such a blessing to be able to give the homeless community these resources, and to make them as comfortable as possible while sleeping at the overflow shelter,” she says. “The overflow shelter is actually a fenced in parking lot, so people are essentially sleeping on the ground. I am so grateful for how GCU stepped in a helped me collect and deliver these items to people in desperate need!”

Brenda organized the event through her Finding My Shoes organization. The outreach program provides services to the homeless community. This was the second event of the year and presented on at the Human Services Campus, located at 230 South 12th Avenue, in Phoenix.

Local news media covered the event, including ABC News Phoenix (video here) and KTAR (story here).

Her office is located in Building 18 on GCU’s main campus. For more information, contact Brenda at 602-639-6378 or [email protected].


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/