Fall Parking for Faculty, Staff to Use Shuttle Service Initially

Because of the significant increase in the number of traditional students at GCU, parking on campus during the school year will be at a premium. During the summer months, parking policies and a parking plan have been developed to support the expected student population.  

New lots have been created on campus, and the Camelback Road parking garage is set to officially open in mid-August. An arrangement has been made with the owners of the swap meet parking lot, north of Camelback Road on 27th Avenue, to use this lot for off-site parking. Security fencing and other improvements will be installed on the property, which will have security personnel onsite.

To alleviate campus congestion, faculty and staff are asked to park at the remote lot on 27th Avenue from Thursday, Aug. 23, through Tuesday, Sept. 4.  Shuttle service to and from campus will be provided from the lot, starting at 6 a.m. and running until 10 p.m. each day.  The shuttle will drop off passengers on the west side of the new College of Arts and Sciences building. 

As part of the new parking plan, all employees will receive a new parking permit. Security will consistently monitor all lots and will ticket cars that are not parked in the proper areas. A guest parking lot will be reserved for employees who work in Tempe, Peoria and Camelwest for their short-term visits to campus. 

Students are being given first choice of reserved parking. Residential students have a choice of on-campus surface parking for $200 per semester or off-campus for $5 per semester; non-residential students can choose the parking garage for $200 per semester or off-campus for $5 per semester.

Faculty and staff parking availability on campus cannot be determined until students have been accommodated. After an assessment in early September, faculty and staff will be notified. Parking will be assigned based on the building in which an employee works.

Employees will not be charged for parking and cannot purchase on-campus parking.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. (Psalm 29:2)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/