College of Nursing and Health Care Professions

Title: Lead Faculty, B.S. in Health Care Administration
Years at GCU: 10+
Academic degrees: Bachelor of Science in Health Sciences, Master of Science in Health Care Administration, Master of Science in Addiction Counseling, currently enrolled in Ph.D. in Health Services.
Faculty scholarship (publications, scholarly presentations, fellowships, etc.):
● Quimba, M. & Lee, P. (2018). "Development of a Virtual Faculty Network Using Flipgrid," Journal of Scholarly Engagement 1(2).
● Poster Presentation: Elsevier Nursing Education Conference, January 2016, "Development of a Virtual Faculty Network using Flipgrid"
● Poster Presentation: Elsevier Nursing Education Conference, December 2015, "Faculty Mentorship: From the Bedside to the Classroom Phase I and II"
● National League of Nursing: Presentation on mentorship/fellowship faculty model, Phase I, Phoenix, October 2014
● Poster Presentation: Arizona Nurse Association annual 2013, Faculty Mentorship Models, awarded first place, September 2013
Notable employment in your field:
In addition to my work with Health Care Administration undergraduate students at GCU, I work at an intensive outpatient treatment center working with youth ages 11-17 who are struggling with drug addiction. I focus most of my work on clients who are using heroin as their drug of choice. I also am a committee member for the Early Careerist Committee for the Arizona chapter of the American College of Healthcare Executives.
What are you most passionate about in your field?
Helping students find their purpose in life. I wish someone would have sat down with me when I was younger and really helped me walk through “what I wanted to be when I grew up”or just prayed with me. Sharing my knowledge of health care while sharing the words of the Lord has brought me great joy, and I love watching these students go out into our world and make a difference every day. I feel like I am living my purpose, and I am so thankful that I followed God's path and trusted in Him.
What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable?
I love to tell stories and share experiences with my students. They need to see that we are all human and sometimes we learn more from our failures then our successes. I have found over the years that students are very afraid to fail, and that can be so overwhelming to them that they can’t possibly succeed. I use evolving case studies often in class so that students can experience real-life scenarios and see how things happen over an extended period of time. This allows them to gain a better real-world understanding of the concepts and be able to better apply them in the workplace.
What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?
I’m a mom! Any free time I have is spent with my daughters -- they are my world! What kids really want from you is your time and your attention, and I try to give them as much as I possibly can. They are growing up so quickly.
What is something interesting about you that most people don't know?
I love dogs! I have four dogs and would have more if my husband would allow it. I have an French bulldog named Clara, a tea cup chihuahua named Candy Cane, and two toy poodle mixes, Reggie and Sophia.