Faculty Focus: Jillian Hartman


College of Education

Jillian Hartman with her three children and GCU mascot Thunder

Title: Assistant Professor

Years at GCU: 6

Academic degrees: Master of Science, Wilkes University; Bachelor of Science, Eastern Michigan University

Faculty scholarship (publications, scholarly presentations, fellowships, etc.): Co-Sponsor of GCU’s College of Education EdTechClub https://flipgrid.com/edtechclub


● Hartman, J. & Berges, S. (2018, July) "New Tools for Flipped Classrooms." Association for Career and Technical Education of Arizona Summer Conference. Loews Ventana Canyon Resort, Tucson

● Hartman, J. & Berges, S. (2017, October) "Flipped Over Teaching." Educators Rising Fall Leadership Conference. Grand Canyon University

● Hartman, J. (2017, August) "Faculty Innovation, Pecha Kucha Previews." Presentation at Fall Faculty Conference, All Full Time Faculty Breakfast Meeting. Grand Canyon University

● Hartman, J. (2017, August) "Faculty Innovation." Presentation at Fall Faculty Conference. Grand Canyon University

● Hartman, J., Akard, J., & Larson, D. (2017, August). "Google Technologies/Brainstorm Slam Session." Presentation at College of Education Fall Faculty Conference. Grand Canyon University

● Basko, L., & Hartman J. (2017, August). "Increasing Student Engagement through Paired Technologies." Poster Presentation at College of Education Fall Faculty Conference. Grand Canyon University
Hartman, J. (2017, July). "Elements of Gaming in LoudCloud." Presentation in Online Teaching Showcase, Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. Grand Canyon University

● Basko, L., & Hartman J. (2016, September). "Increasing Student Engagement through Paired Technologies." Presentation in Online Teaching Showcase, Center for Innovation in Research and Teaching. Grand Canyon University


● Holbeck, R., & Hartman, J. (2018). Efficient Strategies for Maximizing Online Student Satisfaction: Applying Technologies to Increase Cognitive Presence, Social Presence, and Teaching Presence. Journal of Educators Online, 15 (3). https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1199226.pdf

● Basko, L., & Hartman J. (2017) Increasing student engagement through paired technologies. Journal of Instructional Research, 6. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/EJ1152968.pdf

● Hartman, J., & Juarez, B. (2015). Top 5 Practical Ways to Prepare for a New School Year. Teaching in Purple. https://blogs.gcu.edu/college-of-education/top-5-practical-ways-to-prepare-for-a-new-school-year/

Notable employment in your field: Six years as second grade teacher in the Glendale Elementary School District, where I mentored three student teachers and served as a new teacher mentor.

What are you most passionate about in your field? I was very fortunate to have a multitude of amazing mentors and colleagues when entering the field of education. Being a first-year teacher is crazy hard! I feel a great need to give back to the community of educators that gave me such great support by preparing future/current teachers with the tools they need to have long, happy and successful careers!

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? Technology integration. I am constantly on the lookout for new cool tools that support student engagement and efficiency in the classroom. I stumbled across the Flipgrid video discussion tool several years ago, and it has been really rewarding to see how it has been applied by many faculty here in different ways after presenting and sharing about it.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? Spending time with my family is number one! My husband and I are very busy with three rambunctious little boys all under the age of 5. I love to read and I enjoy traveling to new places, so long as I do not have to plan the trip. I like to just show up and have my husband take care of all the boring details.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? I was a competitive figure skater for about seven years.


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"The lips of the righteous nourish many, but fools die for lack of judgment." (Proverbs 10:21)

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