Title: Faculty, Program Chair/Program Lead of Bachelor of Science in Software Engineering Program and Program Chair/Program Lead of Master of Science in Software Engineering Program, College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Years at GCU: 2.5+ years
Academic degrees:
- Ph.D. (2021 expected) – Industrial & Organizational Psychology (Grand Canyon University)
- MBA – Technology Management (University of Phoenix
- BSIT – Software Engineering (University of Phoenix)
What is your most notable accomplishment in your field, and why was it important?
This is a hard question. First, everything that I’ve been blessed to be attributed success and accomplishments for is only because of God, so He gets ALL the glory! I am most proud of the RDPs and mentoring that I’ve been able to do here at GCU. We get to work with some of the absolute BEST students anywhere!
What are you most passionate about in your field and why?
I love having the opportunity to change lives of people on a grand scale! Being a professor allows me to assist in molding the minds of today but forever change the landscape of industries for tomorrow. By influencing the minds of future technology experts now, the industries that they go to can change over time as they insert their own influence upon their respective organizations. There’s no better way to be productive than to replicate yourself 100 times over!
One of the things I am best known for in my classes is how corny I am. I LOVE to tell “dad jokes!” I embrace it and I encourage others around me to do so as well! After all, cheese doesn’t only belong on a burger!
What is a memorable moment you had in class, and what does that reveal about your teaching style?
My first year of teaching at GCU, I created an activity for my database class that incorporated the Bible. One student grabbed hold of that idea and decided to expand upon it and asked me how. I introduced him to machine learning, and he created a capstone project out of it. That one small activity caused the student to find his true career path, and now he is thriving at a Fortune 100 company!
What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?
I like to spend time relaxing with my family. After that, I like to watch movies, talk/watch sports with colleagues and friends, read a nice book (audiobooks count, too … lol), create music, edit videos and learn new things. I enjoy teaching my children to play guitar, bass, drums and piano and to sing. Shedding (gigging/playing) with other skilled musicians is one of the best things to do … ever!
What is something interesting about you that most people don't know?
I have a music studio in my house, and I released my first solo musical album at the age of 14. I am a classically trained pianist who played for the governor of New York at the governor’s mansion when I was 10 years old. This is where I found a love for tea and crumpets!