Faculty Focus: Dr. Shawna Martino

Title: Online Full Time Faculty

College: Education

Dr. Shawna Martino

Years at GCU: 10

Academic degrees:

  • Bachelor of Arts in History from Gonzaga University
  • Master of Teaching: Gifted Education from Whitworth University
  • Doctor of Education: Organizational Leadership K-12 from Grand Canyon University

What is your most notable accomplishment in your field, and why was it important?

I am most proud of my 29 years in education as a teacher and leader, encompassing experiences in grades K-8, gifted programs and private and public schools, and now sharing that wealth of knowledge with GCU students as I play a small role in passing the torch to the next generation of educators.

What are you most passionate about in your field and why?

I am most passionate about training the next generation of teachers to be well-prepared educators and strong advocates for their calling. That can be through classroom instruction, as a site supervisor giving advice and counsel to student teachers or spending time with future educators at an Educators Rising event. I thoroughly enjoy all aspects of working with our pre-service teachers.

What is a memorable moment you had in class, and what does that reveal about your teaching style?

My most memorable moments in class are participating together in activities to learn the material, often involving a Kagan strategy, cooperative learning or technology. Interacting with one another and having strong discussions, as well as time to answer questions, helps reveal the students’ learning, and I see them making connections.

What I find so valuable about these engagements is that not only are students learning content about how to be an educator, but they are also gaining skills and experience in ways to interact with students when they have their own classrooms. So it serves a dual purpose. I think that reveals that as a teacher, classroom culture is important to me. I want all students to feel valued, and I always desire to be efficient and productive with the precious time I have with my students.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time?

My favorite things are spending time with my family and traveling. I love family gatherings and especially time with my two sweet grandsons, ages 6 and 1. I always have enjoyed travel, particularly overseas, both for missions and vacations; I believe it really expands your understanding of God’s world. I have been to Haiti, India and several European countries, including Spain and Croatia.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know?

I have eaten traditional Indian food off a banana leaf in a remote village in southern India, and while there my travel companions and I were asked to name a baby from the village as he was being dedicated to God by his parents. It was an awe-inspiring opportunity that I will never forget!


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

We know that we live in Him and He in us, because He has given us of His Spirit. (1 John 4:13)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/