Faculty Focus: Dr. Jimmy Brown


College of Doctoral Studies

Dr. Jimmy Brown

Title: Academic Quality Reviewer and Dissertation Chair 

Years at GCU: 6+

Academic degrees: Ph.D. in Organization Development, Benedictine University; M.A. in Industrial & Organizational Psychology, University of Tulsa; B.A. in Psychology, University of Arkansas at Little Rock

Faculty scholarship:

My two most recent books:

  • Stawski, S. & Brown, J. (2019). "The Power of Mandate: How Visionary Leaders Keep Their Organization Focused on What Matters Most." New York, McGraw-Hill Education.
  • Brown, J. (2018). "The Seven Assumptions that Drive Success and Happiness." Wilmington Del., JBG Press

Notable research in your field:

  • I am current engaged in the data-collection stage for the validation study of a multidimensional 360-degree assessment tool. I’m working on the development of the instrument and working on setting up the technology to make it accessible to a broader audience.  
  • My doctoral dissertation involved the development of a new strategic planning model.

Notable employment in your field:  I have held senior positions at marquee firms such as Hewlett-Packard, Accenture and Booz-Allen and Hamilton. I have done consulted work for everything from small retail organizations to insurance companies to large Department of Defense agencies.    

What are you most passionate about in your field? Helping people make their lives better. One of the things I love about teaching at GCU is that we get a lot of people who are not in a place where they could get doctoral training at a “traditional” university, and we take those folks and give them the skills they need to make their lives better and have a positive impact on the world.

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? This is a hard one because as a behavioral scientist I know that how others see me is not the same as the way I see myself. I have been told by several dissertation students, particularly ones from diverse backgrounds, that they like that I am willing to listen to their perspective but also make sure they can defend it to academic standards. 

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? I like to run, bike ride or play golf, but most of what little spare time I have is spent with my wife and kids. I do make time in the fall to watch college football.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? I don’t actually find myself that interesting, but that’s because I’m with myself all the time. Some folks find it interesting that I’ve worked in 60+ different cities, 40 different states/provinces/prefectures and 7 different countries.  


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Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/