Faculty Focus: Dr. Helen Hammond


Colangelo College of Business

Dr. Helen Hammond

Title: Online Full Time Faculty

Years at GCU: I started in February 2008, then moved out of state in 2014, then returned in 2015. So, most recently, I’ve been here for 4½ years. If you look at prior service before my return, it's more than eight years.

Academic degrees:

Ph.D. in General Psychology, Grand Canyon University, 2017

M.S. in Leadership, Grand Canyon University, 2011

M.A. in Management, Bellevue University, Bellevue, Neb., 2004

M.A. in Human Resources, Ottawa University at Phoenix, projected summer 2020

Faculty scholarship (publications, scholarly presentations, fellowships, etc.):

Hammond, H. G. (2017). "Correlating teacher empowerment and self-efficacy to teacher perceptions of principal servant leadership" (Order No. 10624526). Available from Dissertations & Theses @ Grand Canyon University. (1975472684).

Hammond, H. G. (2018). "Teacher empowerment and teacher perceptions of the principal’s servant leadership," Lutheran Education Journal.

Hammond, H. G., Coplan, M. J., & Mandernach, B. J. (2018). "Administrative considerations impacting the quality of online teaching," Online Journal of Distance Learning Administration, 21(4). 

Schilling, A. H., & Hammond, H. G. (2019). "This is how we do it: Getting students to read the textbook," Journal of Instructional Research, 8(2), 105-109.

Notable research in your field: Research in teaching/learning and servant leadership.

Notable employment in your field:

  • More than 20 years within the administrative and academic sides of higher education.
  • More than nine years teaching adult and traditional college students in both online and face-to-face modalities.
  • More than 12 years in retail sales management at store and district levels.

What are you most passionate about in your field? The opportunity to prepare students to become who God created them to be.

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? My students say that I’m funny. I tend to be someone who can rally interest in things. I am SUPER passionate – and students see it.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? I LOVE spending time at our ranch (40 acres in northwest Arizona). I love spending time with my husband, Bill, and two grown kids, Johnathon (24) and Thomas (20). I love to hike – I’m a happy girl when it is just me, the mountain and my thoughts.  

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? I was a ballerina in the Lincoln City Ballet. Today, I get my "dance on" Monday through Friday at Jazzercise.


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Bible Verse

For the Lord is good and His love endures forever; His faithfulness continues through all generations. (Psalm 100:5)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/