Faculty Focus: Dr. Enrique Lopezlira


Colangelo College of Business

Dr. Enrique_Lopezlira

Title: Assistant Professor of Economics and Finance

Years at GCU: 4.5 years

Academic degrees: Ph.D. in Economics from Howard University; M.I.M. from Thunderbird School of Global Management; B.S. and M.S. in Economics from Arizona State University.

Faculty scholarship:


● “Jobs and the Future of the U.S. Economy: Possibilities and Limits,” jointly with Michael Isaacson, Aleksandre Revia and Jassmine Gains. The Review of Black Political Economy (26 November 2011), pp. 1-24.

Working Papers:

● “Pension Wealth and the Social Security Claiming Decision” (2019)

● “Informal Caregiving and the Labor Market Outcomes of Grandparents" (2019)

● “The Returns to education in the Presence of Uncertainty.” Joint with Andrew Hussey and Omari Swinton (2018)

Other Publications:

● “For Latinos in Large Cities, High Rent and Stagnant Income Mean the American Dream is Slipping Away," Home For Good Blog (2014)

● “Back in a Bubble?", Rooflines (2013)

● “The Economics of Immigration," Arizona Attorney (2009)


● "Informal Caregiving and the Labor Market Outcome of Grandparents," Kevin McClean Research Colloquium, Grand Canyon University (2020)

● "Wage Disparities Pre and Post the Great Recession," ASSA Meetings (2020)

● "Informal Caregiving and the Labor Market Outcome of Grandparents," Western Economics Association (2019)

● "Wealth and Earnings Profiles of Blacks and Latinos Pre and Post the Great Recession," Freedom & Justice Conference (2018)

Notable employment in your field: Chief Economist, Arizona Attorney General’s Office, Senior Policy Advisor for Employment and Economic Policy at UnidosUS (formerly known as NCLR) in Washington, D.C.

What are you most passionate about in your field? How the economic way of thinking continues to improve our understanding of human behavior.

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? Probably the mathematical rigor and analytical thinking I require of all my students and in all my courses.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? I enjoy reading, doing crossword puzzles and watching sports.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? I started college as a music major.


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