Faculty Focus: Dr. Anthony Paterniti


College of Nursing and Health Care Professions

Dr. Anthony Paterniti

Title: Online instructor

Years at GCU: 9.5

Academic degrees: Ph.D., M.S., B.A., AAS, A.A.

Faculty scholarship:


● "Collecting Nightingale," American Association for the History of Nursing, Annual Conference, Dallas, (Association Dinner Speaker), Sept. 21, 2019.

● "A Collector, an Archivist and a Dean Collaborate to share Nursing History Broadly" (1.5 hrs)

● Stephanie Woods and Anthony Paterniti, American Association for the History of Nursing Annual Conference, Dallas, Sept. 21, 2019.

● Florence Nightingale, Norwood Women’s Club, Dallas, March 2018.

● "Far More Than the Lady with the Lamp: Myths and Realities Dispelled," Sigma Theta Tau, Beta Beta Chapter, Fall Forum Speaker, Texas Woman’s University, Houston Campus, Oct. 12, 2017

● Florence Nightingale Lecture at Texas Woman’s University Dallas Campus, Parkland Nurses Alumnae, June 10, 2017

● Florence Nightingale lectures at Blagg-Huey Library Texas Woman’s University Denton, Texas, 2016-17

● Florence Nightingale, Sigma Beta Tau Beta Beta Chapter, Founder’s Day Speaker, Texas Woman’s University, Dallas Campus, Dallas,  Oct. 10, 2016.

● Florence Nightingale Exhibit at Methodist Dallas Medical Center 90th Anniversary Celebration, Dallas, May 31, 2013


● “Clinical Hypnosis: What You Should Know,” Pulse, May 2008

● “Do You Suffer from NCLEX Anxiety?”, Texas Nursing Student, Vol. 3.07, April 2007

● “The Successful Nurse Preceptor,” Pulse, Volume 3, Number 26, May 2006

● “Using Montessori Concepts on a Transitional Orientation Nursing Unit,” Journal of Nursing Staff Development, Volume 3, Number 2, spring, 1987


Hospital-Based Nursing Education, Partnership Grant Program, $385,520.00 (2010-12)

Notable research in your field:

Florence Nightingale Collection, Texas Woman’s University, Denton, Texas, August 2016-present

I began collecting Florence Nightingale memorabilia in the early 1980s and continued to the present. The collection contains approximately 300 items and is currently on display at Texas Woman’s University in the Blagg Huey Library. TWU digitalized the collection, and it can be accessed through the link below.


Notable employment in your field:

● Test anxiety consultant working with senior II nursing students to prepare for NCLEX at El Centro  College, Dallas, September 2018 to present.

● Certified Clinical Hypnotherapist (private practice), specializing in test anxiety (almost all clients were nursing students who had failed the HESI or NCLEX)

● Director of Education for Methodist Health System, Dallas, 2005-2015

What are you most passionate about in your field? Sharing with nurses the rich and varied history of the nursing profession.

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? I consider myself a partner with each student in the class. That partnership is formed for the express purpose of the achievement of success for the student.    

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? Everything Italian! Studying the language culture, and most of all preparing Italian dishes.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? I took my first violin lesson as an adult more than 30 years ago, and I still have a violin lesson twice each month.


Calendar of Events

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Culture Fest

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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you. (Romans 8:11)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/