Faculty Focus: Brian Gerber


College of Fine Arts and Production

Brian Gerber

Title: Assistant Professor of Digital Film

Years at GCU: 5

Academic degrees: B.A. in Economics with minor in Art and Visual Technology, MFA in Cinema-Television with an emphasis in Directing

What are you most passionate about in your field? Films are fascinating because they offer so much to digest and break apart. In particular, I love analyzing the effect a film’s writing, directing and editing has on the viewer. This allows us to figure out why some films have a profound influence on our lives while others simply fall short. Because I also teach animation classes under GCU’s Digital Design program, I’m also passionate about how rapid changes in technology shift film’s place in the media milieu.

What aspect of your teaching style is the most distinctive and/or memorable? I strongly believe class critiques are one of the most valuable tools in the arts. A filmmaker must juggle hundreds of decisions and tradeoffs. The artistic options available to the filmmaker throughout the filmmaking process derive from the practical production decisions the filmmaker chooses (budgets, locations). One must be good at both! Critiques are a great way to shine a light on the decision-making process, to force the artist to think about what decisions were made and what better decisions could have been made. By understanding what the audience sees in the final product, the filmmaker can better speak with a unique voice.

What do you like to do for fun in your spare time? Traveling is a great source of inspiration and unusual experiences, so my wife and I travel as often as we are able. When I’m not traveling or attending film festivals, I love to watch movies and read. The world is full of ideas worth exploring.

What is something interesting about you that most people don't know? Recently, my dog and I have begun competing in dog agility. It’s a rewarding challenge to train my dog to master obstacles and successfully compete on an unfamiliar agility course on the first run.


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In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

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