Life on campus is pretty exciting right now, with the awesome new Recreation Center, sports teams in full swing and an incredible family of ‘Lopes all around you all the time! From your favorite dish in the Union to rockin’ out with TheGathering band to studying and classes to hall events and all the other events happening non-stop, we want to see what makes campus home and happening for you!
Want to win $500 to the GCU Bookstore? Then, put on your directors’ hat!
Make the most creative video showing us your GCU Life! Write a song, tell a story, create a character, lip sync to your favorite jam around campus! Give us the best of your GCU Life!
Judging Criteria & Rules
- Students must showcase a living, learning and a community space on campus
- No profanity or lewd content
- Video should include reference to Christian heritage, Thunder the mascot and Purpose
- Video Minimum length of one minute and thirty seconds; maximum length of three minutes in length
- Videos should be submitted in a .MP4 or .MOV file format sent via and addressed to
Selection Process
- Videos will be reviewed by a committee consisting of students and university staff
and narrowed down to the top three - Once the top three are selected, a poll will be released
- The video with the most votes will be the winner!
Videos are due January 14. The voting poll will open January 20 and close January 28.