Comics Bring Lighter Touch to Peoria Employees

Employees at GCU’s Peoria offices received a surprise visit Friday afternoon from a pair of standup comedians, Robert Wagner and Floyd Haas.

The occasion was a team-building exercise organized by Regional Director of Operations Reggie Alfonso.

“We wanted to change it up,” said Alfonso, who was seeking a departure from the usual activities such as flag football, potlucks and games.

Wagner, who has played the Tempe Improv and promotes a clean, positive comedy routine, covered topics such as relationships, apartment living, fast food, pets and motorcycles. Haas made fun of his own portly stature and his Steven Seagal-style ponytail.

Wagner also shared his Christian testimony with the group of nearly 100 assembled in the MIT Room of Peoria I.

“I think God has different ways to reach people,” Wagner said. “When my mom passed away in 2007, I was in search of something. I accepted Christ into my life.

“I’m known as ‘the Christian guy’ (among comedians), but to me that’s not a negative thing. I’m not religious, but I know who my Savior is.”

Wagner worked his faith into some of his material on Friday.

“I was at a Starbucks and was reading my Bible,” he said, “and there was a lot of noise in the place. I couldn’t just turn around and yell, ‘Shut your piehole!’ It would have to be, ‘Jesus loves you, so PLEASE shut your piehole!’”

For more about Wagner and his career, click here or go to


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11)

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