CLA Presents The Best Places to Study at GCU

The GCU Center for Learning and Advancement (CLA) is here to provide all the tools you need for success in college. Few activities are more important than studying, and knowing where to go will make all the difference in your study habits.

The table below displays a variety of locations on the GCU campus where you can find areas to relax and study. Some places are noisier than others. Choose wisely.

  • The blue locations are your best choices for quiet areas.
  • The peach locations are busier and might cause some distraction.
  • The tan locations are much noisier and will cause elevated levels of distractions.

Contact the CLA for tutoring services or ideas about ways to increase your academic success. Visit its web site at or email [email protected].


Calendar of Events

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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Dear friends, since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another. (1 John 4:11)

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