Chris Brown, North Coast Church senior and teaching pastor, led Chapel on Monday, March 17, at Global Credit Union Arena. Story
The worship team performs during Chapel on Monday, March 17, 2025, at Global Credit Union Arena. -
Bailey Hartman and the worship team open Monday’s Chapel. -
A production team member records Chapel. -
Nathan Padilla and the worship team give praise before a talk by Chris Brown, pastor of North Coast Church. -
Peyton Peterson and the worship team lead the Chapel audience in song at Chapel on Monday, March 17, 2025. -
Chris Brown, pastor of North Coast Church, continues Chapel's focus on the Sermon on the Mount. -
Chris Brown talks about the rich young ruler mentioned in Matthew, Mark and Luke who approached Jesus and asked what he must do to inherit eternal life. -
Chapel speaker Chris Brown talks about the rich young ruler's pursuit of eternity. -
Brown speaks about giving to the poor. -
North Coast Church's Chris Brown speaks about the rich young ruler's frustration over being told to give everything he owns to the poor. -
Chapel speaker Chris Brown discusses Mark 10:17. -
Chris Brown, North Coast Church pastor, shares a story about the Haitian woman who seeks to surrender the only two bowls she owns. -
In his talk, Chapel speaker Chris Brown cites Matthew 7:21. -
North Coast Church's Chris Brown tells GCU students it's a matter of what you do with what you have. -
With his Bible in hand, Chris Brown, pastor of North Coast Church, speaks during Monday’s Chapel.