By Erik Nelsen
Department of Spiritual Life
We all need times of silence and solitude, whether it feels possible or not.
Summer can be a busy time of planning and preparation, and there is wisdom in scheduling intentional time for prayer, reading of Scripture and meditating on the promises of our Lord. Jesus often withdrew from the busyness of ministry, setting an example for us to regularly take time away to perhaps hear from our Lord more clearly and experience the joy of rest in Him.

The Prayer Chapel (connected to Building 6) is an amazing, quiet spot on campus for uninterrupted time of solitude. This summer, you may find that scheduling time on your daily or weekly calendar for a few minutes of silence, reflection, or reading of Scripture may be a refreshing routine to consider.
You may also find comfort in participating in silence with others.
Be encouraged to visit the Prayer Chapel on Wednesdays this summer, between 8:15-9 a.m., for a self-led time of silence and solitude with others, coordinated by Spiritual Formation Coordinator Kelsie Doan.
I hope your summer is filled with times of joy and rest as we work to prepare campus for students as they return or start this fall. Be encouraged by the words of the apostle Paul in Philippians 4, that through prayer we can entrust our anxieties to the Lord and experience His perfect peace in our lives!