#Askingforafriend: Times of reflection

By Kristin Wyse
GCU Office of Student Care

As we have been seeing life return to some normalcy this past month, I have been thinking how different life looked a year ago when we were all in the chaos of quarantining and when the world had seemed to stop on its axis. Here are some of the things I’ve remembered to value over this past year:

  • In the loneliness, I was reminded of the value of RELATIONSHIPS. The importance of nurturing our relationships is important for not only our sanity, but that face-to-face connection is vital in us remembering that we belong and are valued. This has given me a renewed purpose to communicate, in person, the importance and value others have in my life.
  • In the isolation, I was reminded of the value of IDENTITY. All the time spent alone resulted in taking inventory and intentionally connecting more with myself. I was inspired to bring my interests, passions and dreams back to life again to counteract the isolation.  
  • In the uncertainty, I was reminded of the value of GRATITUDE. The pandemic seemed to take away the control we once felt and replaced it with uncertainty and unknowns. But I realized that most things were not within my control even before the pandemic. This created a new focus on what I could control – my response to everything around me. And I learned to hold onto things more loosely and be thankful for what I have right here, right now.
  • In the fear, I was reminded of the value of HEALTH AND SAFETY. I realized that I had taken my own health and safety for granted as we experienced the fear of sickness and witnessed the depth of a grieving and divided world. And as a result, my perspective for everyone’s physical, emotional and spiritual health was renewed and treasured as the daily gift that it is.
  • In the grief and loss, I was reminded of the value of HOPE. Hope is the catalyst that moves us forward when we get stuck. Hope can keep us from staying stuck in the muck and provide us a light at the end of the tunnel, whether dim or bright. Hope lightens our heart and helps us focus our eyes on what lies ahead. And I was reminded that hope is contagious – we have the unique opportunity to pass it on to others.

So in contemplation of this past year, I was reminded of the importance of taking time to reflect on the past, to re-envision the future and to hold tight onto the hope, gratitude and values we have each day. And as we all reflect and emerge from this pandemic into some normalcy, my prayer is that we will remember and reflect on this truth -- that we were created with purpose and for a purpose, with creativity and for creativity, by our Creator and for each other, with value beyond our comprehension and with a hope for what’s to come.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

I thank my God every time I remember you. (Philippians 1:3)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/