Antelope Intros: Shannon Maule, Isac Artzi and Chad Kent

Antelope Intros is a recurring GCU Today feature that introduces some of our new employees to the people around them in a way that is fun and informative. Employees are eligible to be featured in the month following their orientation.


Job title:  Communications Specialist for the Office of Strategic Educational Alliances

Job location: Fleming Library, Main Campus

What attracted you to GCU?  I was most attracted to GCU because of the gorgeous campus and opportunity to work for a faith-based institution that provides higher education to so many. Since my first day, I have come to love the GCU community even more.  

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? In my spare time I like to exercise, try new restaurants and shop. Most frequently, one may find me in the Arcadia area at Pure Barre, Milagro, Fashion Square Mall or AJ’s.

What are you passionate about? I am extremely passionate about education, health and wellness. My goal in life is to continue as a lifelong learner, acting as a sponge, in every situation. Secondly, I’m very focused on health and wellness. I think it’s important to care for yourself in all aspects, mentally, physically and spiritually. I  began teaching Pure Barre fitness classes in November and love the chance to help women accomplish new goals each day.

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit?  I love to hike Camelback Mountain, jog on the canal in Arcadia and attend University of Arizona sporting events – especially when they’re against Arizona State University. Annually, I run the P.F. Chang’s Rock ‘n’ Roll Half Marathon. I love seeing so many people come together to run for many great causes, regardless of shape, size and ability.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know:  Many might not know that I was the 2011-2012 Fiesta Bowl Queen. I pursued the scholarship opportunity to better myself as a professional and assist with the funding of graduate school. Being crowned, I was granted one of the most meaningful and life-changing experiences. I love the organization and am proud to be a part of a group that does phenomenal work to better the state of Arizona.

What are you most proud of?  I am extremely proud to be Hispanic. Growing up, my mother never spoke Spanish, but I always heard my grandparents carry on in the foreign language. When I was given the opportunity to take Spanish in middle school, I jumped at the chance. While I could have simply left the language for class and homework time only, I yearned to converse with my grandparents in a way that no one else in our family could – as they chose not to teach their children Spanish because it was looked down upon at the time. In high school, I went on several church mission trips to Argentina and Guatemala. I was far from shy when it came time to interact with the natives. I loved serving as the unofficial translator for my team members. Utilizing my grandparents’ first language has enabled me to understand and immerse myself in my Hispanic heritage.  



Job title:  Instructional Designer

Job location: Annex II (Bldg 51) 

What attracted you to GCU?  The opportunity to join a successful company, in a position that encompasses all the areas I am excited to contribute.

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? I read classic science fiction (Jules Verne, H.G. Wells), coach NYS soccer, play bridge at senior clubs, and write apps for iPad/iPhone.

What are you passionate about? World history, international politics and mathematical patterns in the Bible.

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit?  Searching for 1950s architecture, the MIM, antique stores and book stores.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know:  I traveled around the world, lived and worked in three continents, and the members of my family were born on three different continents.



Job title:  Enrollment Counselor

Job location: Tempe

What attracted you to GCU?  Two things attracted me to GCU:  The theology program I want to pursue and the fact that GCU is growing. 

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? I do a lot of ministry from both inside the church and outreach.

What are you passionate about? God and family.

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit?  I don’t get out much because my life is so full with our kids’ stuff (sports, etc.).  So, I like to relax and see movies when I can.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know:  I preach at the Phoenix Rescue Mission and have been for over nine years.

What are you most proud of?  My family!  I have such a valuable and wonderful wife and three daughters, all whom I love very much.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

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