Antelope Intros: Roland Morgan and Matt Bjur

Antelope Intros is a recurring GCU Today feature that introduces some of our new employees to the people around them in a way that is fun and informative. Employees are eligible to be featured in the month following their orientation.

Roland Morgan


Job title: University counselor, College of Theology

Job location: 27th Avenue

What attracted you to GCU? I loved being a career counselor at a high school on the west side of the Valley. Having appreciated the relationship the high school had with GCU and having also begun my education at a Christian college many years ago, I therefore decided to finish my bachelor’s at GCU to finish my Christian education. I then became a university counselor here to help students achieve their own educational goals.

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? I play bass in my worship team and also play in a blues/rock cover band that I am trying to revive now that I graduated.

What are you passionate about? Besides my family, I am passionate about Christian ministry, which I have been involved in all my life.  (I’ve been a youth pastor and a church planter, in addition to various lay ministries.) I view my role here at GCU in the College of Theology as the latest extension of my ministry and calling. 

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit? I’m a big Alice Cooper fan and I love the Alice Cooper’stown restaurant near Talking Stick Resort Arena.  I’m also a huge, professional wrestling nerd. There are local indie promotions here in the Valley that are really fun (more raucous than WWE!) – I take my kid to them.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I was pulled out of the audience once to play bass in a Van Halen song with Steel Panther. 

What are you most proud of? Besides my family and my salvation, my most recent proud achievement was finally finishing what I started and earning my bachelor’s degree at GCU in April.



Matt Bjur and two of his boys, Micah (top right) and Eli.

Job title: Videographer

Job location: Main campus, Building 30

What attracted you to GCU? The reputation – after being offered the job at GCU, I spent three days praying, seeking wisdom from friends and learning as much as I could about GCU. I was amazed at how many folks up in Minnesota (where I relocated from) and the Midwest knew about GCU and had great stories to share about what the University is doing. That really helped me in making the decision to relocate my family 1,700 miles away.

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? I love going on adventures with my wife and three boys – Micah, 5; Eli, 2; and Logan, 8 weeks. Because we’re new to Arizona, we’ve been trying to hike and explore at least one new area each weekend. So far we’ve visited Bartlett Lake, Prescott and Sedona. Flagstaff and Payson will be explored soon. I also am an avid music fan (old school Tooth & Nail Records bands especially).  

What are you passionate about? Family, leadership, working, the wilderness, music and God.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I used to be a singer/screamer for a Minneapolis-based post-hardcore band.

What are you most proud of? My family, by far!


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

"Christ is the end of the law so that there may be righteousness for everyone who believes." (Romans 10:4)

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