Antelope Intros: Celise Colston and Dr. Heather Gollnow

Antelope Intros is a recurring GCU Today feature that introduces some of our new employees to the people around them in a way that is fun and informative. Employees are eligible to be featured in the month following their orientation.


Job title: Marketing budget coordinator

Job location: 27th Avenue

What attracted you to GCU? I needed a job. Kidding! I was placed here as a contractor in April on the Digital Marketing side and ended up getting a permanent position here.

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? Reading, writing, and going to the movies.

What are you passionate about? Writing and getting kids to do the same. I was bitten by the writing bug in seventh grade. My best friend and I were bored during recess (seriously — no kid gets bored during recess, I know, so I’m thinking it was raining that day) and she suggested writing short stories. I don’t remember what I wrote about or what she wrote about, I just remember that I didn’t want to stop. By the time I reached high school, I knew that I wanted to write young adult fiction (ages 13-18). I’ve never looked back. I had great English teachers in high school that encouraged my talent but didn’t have the tools to nurture that talent, so I didn’t hone my writing skills until after I graduated. I don’t think it should be like that for kids. My future goal is to open a nonprofit creative writing and publishing center for youth in the downtown Phoenix area. They’ll write stories and then have their work published in chapter books and annual anthologies. I believe kids have a story to tell and should have the opportunity to tell that story.

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit? I don’t really have any favorite places, but I like to going to the Phoenix Art Museum when they have interesting exhibits. My husband and I have been living in downtown Phoenix for three years, so I think I’m still trying to discover a “favorite place.” Events-wise, I like doing the downtown Art Walk. We’re trying to put more pictures on the walls of our apartment, and the Art Walk has been a good way to find local artists. Also, the Certified Local Arts Festival has been in our “front yard” for the last two years, and I like stepping right out my front door and discovering locally owned and operated businesses.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I write contemporary adult romance under a pen name. I’ve been reading adult romance since I was a freshman in high school. I’m addicted to these types of books and figured that at some point I’d like to dip my toe in that genre. As a writer, my characters come to me in my dreams. Once I write about them, the dreams stop.

What are you most proud of? Being a published author. Before switching to adult romance, I was writing young adult fiction and independently published two books.



Job title: Assistant dean/associate professor, College of Science, Engineering, and Technology

Job location: Main campus, Building 6

What attracted you to GCU? I was attracted to GCU because of the amount of growth that has occurred in recent years and how the University is truly student-centered. Students are offered some great activities outside the classroom to help develop the whole person, spiritually, physically and socially.

What do you do for fun and where do you find that outlet? I love being active, whether it’s lifting weights, doing yoga, hiking or running.

What are you passionate about? Helping people find their strengths in the world of technology and helping them build upon those strengths to do great things.

What are your favorite places or events in the Valley that you like to visit? I just moved here in August, so I am just really enjoying exploring all of the wonderful elements of nature and outdoor activities that AZ has to offer.

Tell us something about yourself that most people don’t know: I can’t whistle. Not even a little.

What are you most proud of? I earned my pilot’s license at 19. It forced me to grow up and accept responsibility quickly.


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Therefore, since we have been justified through faith, we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ, through whom we have gained access by faith into this grace in which we now stand. And we rejoice in the hope of the glory of God. (Romans 5:1-2)

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