ANTELOPE AUDIO: Cellofourte – A String Tribute to Skillet

By Alex Bridgeforth

For anyone who loves Cello, the string instruments and Christian rock there is a new album for you – Cellofourte’s A String Tribute to Skillet.

The album is a great piece of art put together beautifully. It has most of Skillet’s latest hits redone with a more modern string sound that even has several soft drum parts.

They teamed up with Ben Kasica, Skillet’s lead guitarist, to create an amazing piece that still represented the original music well. It stands alone without even needing the lyrics or knowing the original songs.

Cellofourte gives not only Skillet fans but also Christian rock fans a more classical album to listen to.

It easy to hear the cello use the metal of the original tracks and create new pieces. The quartet adds great depth to a lyrically full song.

“Awake and Alive” is a song all about returning from the shadows to the glory of God and waking up. The strings give the song a totally new feel.

The album peaks with “Monster.” At first, the song rumbles deeply before adding a kick drum. The drums with the strings make this the best song on the album. It is easy to make out original piece and to sing along, even with no lyrics on this album.

Even near the end of the song, they add a quick distortion effect to the strings giving it an evil, monster-like tone. The album closes with “Savior, Lucy, Say Goodbye, and Whispers in the Dark” All four are well done but are mostly just quiet renditions of their previous versions.

Alex Bridgeforth is a senior communications major at Grand Canyon University. He is in the Army ROTC program and played for the lacrosse team in 2008 and 2009. After graduation, he will begin his career as an Army officer.


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Bible Verse

The Spirit Himself testifies with our spirit that we are God's children. Now if we are children, then we are heirs — heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in His sufferings in order that we may also share in His glory. (Romans 8:16-17)

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