Academic Integrity Resources to Assist You

As we delve into the excitement of 2011, the Office of Academic Compliance would like to remind you of the variety of information and resources that are available to students. We hope you find this information helpful and we wish you success in 2011.

Center for Learning and Advancement:

The CLA is a wonderful resource for students enrolled at GCU! The CLA offers free tutoring services in a variety of areas, such as writing, APA formatting, math, and many others. If you are interested in inquiring about services, please contact the CLA directly:

ThinkingStorm Tutoring Service:

Because GCU wants every student to be successful, GCU pays for the first 10 hours of ThinkingStorm tutoring that any GCU student uses. Students then have the option of paying out of pocket. We highly recommend that students utilize the Center for Learning & Advancement, which provides tutoring to GCU students at no charge.

Please contact the CLA for additional information on ThinkingStorm.

ANGEL Classroom Resources:

Within your ANGEL classroom, click on the Student Success tab at the top of the page to access the “Writing Center.” The APA Style Guides and Templates can help ensure you are properly referencing and formatting your work.


Writing in APA:


The Basics of APA Style:

Other Helpful Writing Websites:

  • The official website for APA style and guidelines
  • The OWL at Purdue. An excellent resource for any question on APA or MLA writing styles, plagiarism, etc.
  • A blog hosted by APA experts who discuss a variety of frequently asked questions about APA style.

Remember that, as a GCU student, you’re held responsible for understanding GCU’s policies listed in the University Policy Handbook. Ignorance of the regulations does not constitute a valid defense if you are charged with plagiarism or another violation.


Calendar of Events

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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due His name; worship the Lord in the splendor of His holiness. (Psalm 29:2)

To Read More: