Academic Honesty: No Statute of Limitations

By Shanna Milonas
Academic Integrity Supervisor

If a student plagiarizes his or her work for ENG 101 but the instructor does not catch it until after posting the grade, can that student still be reported for an academic dishonesty violation?


According to GCU’s policy, as written in the University Policy Handbook, there is no time limitation on when academic dishonesty violations can be reported. It says reports of potential violations must be “filed with the Office of Academic Compliance within three calendar days of discovery.”

The discovery can be immediate or after the class ends – even a year or more.

GCU prepares students to become critical thinkers and responsible leaders. The University takes integrity violations seriously.

Once an alleged violation is confirmed, the student is subject to the withholding of academic credit for the course(s). This means even if you received an “A” for the course, the grade can be converted to an “F” if academic dishonesty is discovered and confirmed.

This even extends to students who have graduated and received degrees. If GCU validates that the degree was obtained through academic dishonesty or deceit, the Code of Conduct Committee can recommend that the degree be revoked.

Think about it.

These are major consequences that are noted on your transcripts and other official University documents. These are permanent (and expensive) prices to pay for a lapse in ethical judgment. As stated in the wise words of an unknown author, “If the writing is honest, it cannot be separated from the man who wrote it.”

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Bible Verse

And if the Spirit of Him who raised Jesus from the dead is living in you, He who raised Christ from the dead will also give life to your mortal bodies through His Spirit, who lives in you. (Romans 8:11)

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