Cyber activities unlocked at open house

Students test their skills at the lock-picking station at Tuesday’s Cyber Center of Excellence open house in the Technology Building.


Grand Canyon University's Cyber Center of Excellence (CCE) kicked off the year with an open house on Tuesday in the Technology Building.

The event included several hands-on stations, such as a lock-picking station. Visitors also could participate in the capture-the-flag event, an exercise in which "flags” are secretly hidden in purposefully vulnerable programs or websites.

“It was thrilling to see over 100 people experience the hands-on activities in the CCE. At least one of the high school attendees decided GCU would definitely be their university,”  said the College of Science, Engineering and Technology's Dr. Pam Rowland, Associate Dean of Technology.

Also in attendance were enrollment and admissions counselors, GCU students and other members of the campus community.

Several hands-on activity stations and a capture-the-flag event were part of the open house.

The CCE is where GCU's students have gone for cybersecurity training since the fall of 2017, learning to fight data breaches, identity theft and other cybercrimes.

The center got its start in Building 66 at the University's 27th Avenue complex but relocated in the spring to the Technology Building.


Related content:

GCU News: GCU's culture embraced at rebooted cyber center

GCU News: Coding with My Girls breaks down cyber barriers

GCU News: GCU helps teachers boot up their cybersecurity skills


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In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

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