GCU’s Got Talent has turned into a night of surprises. The semester’s big student event at Grand Canyon University gave the top prize to a yo-yo performer and a comedian in its first two years of competition.
More variety is on the card for Tuesday’s 8 p.m. talent show in Global Credit Union Arena with 10 teams competing in the talent contest voted on by the audience – including the competition's first-ever magician, Tim Mullins, and violinist, Claire Miller
With events like Lip Sync in the fall and Got Talent-predecessor Mr. GCU always heavy on dance numbers, the competition allows for a variety of performers, from musicians to instrumentalists and, yes, magic, violins and another round of yo-yo with Gannon McShane.
The Canyon Activities Board event is hosted by Matthew Stout and Jonathan Fridline. Judges are Ashley Cote, student body president; Caleb Shaw, GCU men’s basketball player; and Ibinnabo Kelly-Briggs, who has been a member of two Lip Sync-winning teams, including last fall’s Don’t Blink.

Here are the contestants:
- Varlets (band) with Zach Johnson, Zach Haller, Josh Weide and Noah Paape
- Gannon McShane (yo-yo, juggling)
- Bria Williams and Landon Shaw (singer/pianist)
- Tim Mullins (magician)
- Tristan Carlson and Chloe Brandow (singing duet/guitarist)
- Marshall McNamee (comedian)
- Reagan James Broome (singer/guitarist)
- Distinction (dance group) with Alex Noble, Ryan Brady and Joshua Greer
- Claire Miller (violinist)
- Jaylan Watkins (singer)
Last year, comedian Luis Escamilla won first prize, and in the first year of GCU’s Got Talent, yo-yo master Josh Salazar got the most votes.
Grand Canyon University senior writer Mike Kilen can be reached at mike.kilen@gcu.edu
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