Faculty Focus: Dr. Theodus Luckett III


College of Doctoral Studies

Dr. Theodus Luckett III

Title: Senior Doctoral Adjunct

Years at GCU: 3

Academic degrees: 

  • A.A. in General Studies (University of Arkansas-Monticello)
  • B.A. in Music (University of Arkansas-Monticello)
  • M.M. in Music Education (Stephen F. Austin State University)
  • Ed.D. in Organizational Leadership (Grand Canyon University), Principal Certification (Lamar University).

What is your most notable accomplishment in your field, and why was it important? 

My most notable accomplishment was obtaining my doctoral degree. As a scholar-practitioner, I can utilize the knowledge and skills I gleaned along my doctoral journey to develop the fine arts program in my school district.

After being appointed as the Director of Fine Arts in my school district three years ago, I have been able to examine fine arts programs through a different lens. My doctoral degree was a catalyst that enabled me to engage research regarding music programs to improve fine arts programs across the district, to enhance my pedagogical approach and to develop innovative ways to educate my students in the 21st century.

What motivations guide what you do? 

One of my biggest motivators is my relationship with God. I believe strongly that He is the source of my strength and I acknowledge that it is through His power that I can do what I do daily.

Other strong motivations are my loving and supportive wife, my son, my parents, family, colleagues and friends. They always encourage me to continue working diligently in my field.

Another motivation is seeing my learners complete their doctoral degrees. I always have been committed to helping learners find their purpose. My personal educational philosophy and Grand Canyon’s motto complement each other, which motivates me to encourage my learners to reach their full potential.

I also am motivated by my desire to continue advocating for music education and by studying and implementing new advancements in music education to improve fine arts programs.

What other endeavors outside GCU support what you do? 

I am active in my church. I serve as the president of the trustee board and serve as a member of the steward board. I am the Director of Fine Arts for my school district. I am active in my fraternity, Alpha Phi Alpha. I am also an active member of professional organizations such as the Texas Music Educators Association, Texas Music Adjudicator Association and Alpha Chi National College Honor Society.

What could you do (or are you doing) to advance or grow the College of Doctoral Studies? 

As a senior doctoral adjunct, I strive to provide support to my learners as well as fellow colleagues. Because my colleagues and learners are from various backgrounds, it is imperative to embrace diversity and equity across all cultures.

Currently, I am partnering with other researchers to conduct a study that addresses diversity issues in our world. It is my prayer that at the conclusion of this research, the results of the study will provide researchers, practitioners and leaders with meaningful knowledge to not only encourage diversity, but to also be intentional in the implementation of diversity initiatives in the workplace.

Diversity is essential in any college institution; thus, my experiences contribute to the growth of the College of Doctoral Studies at Grand Canyon University. 


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Bible Verse

For you did not receive a spirit that makes you a slave again to fear, but you received the Spirit of sonship. And by Him we cry, "Abba, Father." (Romans 8:15)

To Read More: www.verseoftheday.com/