Fitness Facts: Healthy living during pandemic

By Lily Limon
Family Nurse Practitioner, Canyon Health and Wellness Clinic

Eating healthy is nothing new. Most of us have seen and been instructed on options for healthy living by our teachers, parents and health professionals at one time or another. Most of the principles have not changed, but here are a few suggestions in case you were wondering:

  • Eat real food instead of fast food.
  • Include a variety of fresh fruit and vegetables in your daily routine.
  • Meal plan to aid in cost effectiveness – this maximizes the utilization of all foods and decreases waste.
  • Shop local farmers’ markets or grow your own vegetables.
  • Drink plenty of water – most people require at least half their body weight in ounces of water daily in Arizona.
  • Take a walk for at least 30 minutes daily or perform some physical activity daily. This raises endorphins, which can aid in mood enhancement and provide nutrients from the sun. The American Heart Association link below has great ideas for staying active during stay-at-home periods.
  • Get enough rest. Sleep is a pivotal requirement in maintaining health. Your body repairs and recharges during the sleep cycle and key hormones are released, which can help your mood and set you up for optimal body performance.
  • Meditate to reduce stress daily.

Both American Heart Association articles below are excellent resources for anyone working from home, “sheltering in place” or working in an essential capacity. There are great ideas on healthy eating with recipes, physical activity, stress-management techniques and several questions with answers.

Let’s stay proactive and get a great start with these empowerment tools for healthy living.


American Heart Association. (2020). Coronavirus (COVID-19) Resources. Retrieved from:

American Heart Association. (2020). Resources to maintain healthy lifestyle amid COVID-19 outbreak. Retrieved from:


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Bible Verse

In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes His steps. (Proverbs 16:9)

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