GCU Hosts First ROTC Day

The landing of a Black Hawk MEDEVAC on the lawn in front of the CONHS building set the pace for GCU’s semiannual ROTC Day on November 20. Our cadets hosted junior cadets from local high schools.

More than 35 students from several local high schools visited campus to learn about the college’s ROTC program, available scholarships and career opportunities in military service.

According to GCU Recruiting Operations Officer CPT Todd Balash, ROTC Day is an event that highlights the college’s program and provides an opportunity for potential cadets to connect with GCU cadets.

“This is a chance for high school students to get to know the life of a cadet, from an actual cadet,” says Balash. “There is a misconception that ROTC consumes a student’s life. Our cadets can share their experiences so others can get a better idea of what will be expected of them.”

ROTC Day connects with GCU’s military nursing program. The Black Hawk and HMMWV on display are vehicles they will likely ride in or operate. The “sim man” is a medical dummy that allowed visitors to practice common medical procedures they would encounter, such as inserting IVs, treating wounds and assessing injuries.

The helicopter provided the setting for another event as the University offered a scholarship to a junior cadet. According to Balash, this big event carries significance for any cadet. All cadets must meet a minimum 2.5 GPA in high school, and sustain that GPA throughout their college career.

ROTC is a four-year leadership program. According to LTC Roderick Hammond, Professor of Military Science, the organization’s goal is to allow students to learn and grow into leaders of character who will commission to the role of second lieutenant. They will then strive to become leaders in their communities and the government.

“The commitment is a lifetime of service to our nation,” he says. “Once our cadets fulfill their obligations they will make decisions strengthened by a moral and ethical code. They are role models for their family, friends and communities.”

GCU’s ROTC program partners with the ASU program. However, current growth has it on track to become its own battalion, after certain criteria are met.

“The unique part of our program is we are a smaller unit,” says Balash. “We are a tighter group, like a family. There are bonds you likely will not get at a larger university.”


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GCU Magazine

Bible Verse

...those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God. (Romans 8:14)

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